Whether you’re looking for a brand new site or assessing possible areas within your existing building, the selection and evaluation of the location for your new Technology Room is not a simple matter.  There are many things to be considered from the straightforward physical constraints to a myriad of external influences that may not be quite so obvious. 

The success of your new room rests on the selection of the right location, so it is important to get it right.  After all, you wouldn’t want to build your new Data Centre in the basement of a building which is prone to flooding.  It's all about assessing all of the risks and benefits before you make that critical decision.

The Site Selection Survey documents the available options, outlines the potential risks, provide recommendations to mitigate them and where more than one location is being assessed, rate the locations to identify the most suitable one.  The format of the report is designed so that it can also form part of any future business plan.  The survey looks at a number of areas, including:

  • Your Requirements – The stated objectives of the final operational Technology Room
  • The Physical Space – The constraints on the ability to physically create a Technology Room or gain access, such as height clearances, structural weight loadings, delivery routes, etc
  • The Existing Services – The availability of sufficient power sources within the building to accommodate potential requirements, locations for air conditioning condensers/chillers and generators, etc.
  • The Surrounding Environment - A review of all of the aspects that can impact the room both internally and externally (e.g. position of water tanks, flood risks, possible electrical interference, etc.)

The survey will review:

  • Your business and operational requirements for the room
  • Potential risks and threats to the room
  • The physical space
  • The availability of power and services
  • Identification of plant areas and the routes for services

To discuss your site selection requirements, contact END2END to see how we can help you.

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