Requirements Workshop
END2END’s success in designing and building your fit for purpose data centre, comes from putting the time in upfront to ensure we understand your business drivers and the full purpose of the room. Just like purchasing a property, there is no point in spending money only to have a data centre that does not produce a return on such a large investment.
Before we begin our design phase, we need to fully understand your business and operational requirements. To do this we ensure that all key stake holders are brought together to share the discussion and the vision of what will be your new data centre or technology room.
Engaging with key stake holders at the onset of any design process is essential to obtain a true comprehension of any organisations ‘restrictions’’ or ‘must haves’. In turn it gains buy from all applicable areas within your organisation right from the onset.
During our Requirements Workshop we bring out what your business expects from the room's operation. Looking at areas highlighted by those attending, we obtain an understanding of you, your business and your future IT plans; ranging from business and operational drivers through operational workflows, services levels, location and security up to business continuity and business case objectives.
Many of our clients who have completed a workshop have found the experience to be worthwhile and a vital part of ensuring that their investment is spent wisely.
Output from a workshop typically produces:
- All requirements specification document defined and agreed by your key business stake holders
- High level review of the buildings subsystems (e.g. Power, Heating, Cooling, Space, Security, etc.)
- Any known issues so that everyone has an understanding of the components, compliances and complexities involved
- A high level outline for a potential design solution to include room layout, subsystems and components
- Budgetary pricing analysis
- Outline projected timescales
At the end the requirements workshop process, you will have a clear understanding of what your delivered room solution needs to be and how best to get there.
If you would like to discuss your requirements to understand how END2END can assist you, please contact us.