Workstation Audits
Over time as work teams grow, so does the need for the technology and workspace that they use. It almost happens overnight, and suddenly you realise you have PC’s, laptops, phones, desks and chairs across departments and you don’t have any way of tracking who they are assigned to, or if anyone is using them.
Many organisations find themselves paying for leases, licences or maintenance contracts on workstation equipment and software that is either no longer used, or was disposed of some time ago.
Our simple, but effective workstation audit details each item with a unique ‘Asset ID’. We can record each asset to its assigned employee, department, or location and detail this on an easy reference document. If required, we can event track what software is loaded.
In addition to workstations, we can design an audit that looks at all hardware including printers, scanners and other peripherals.
For some organisations this process can save them a substantial amount of time and money, giving them up to date information that can form part of their asset registers.
Auditing a workstation takes only a few minutes and can be completed with minimal disturbance to staff. An audit can provide:
- Easy to access sequential ID tags for each piece of equipment
- Single report providing assets details assigned to individual and/or department
- Floor plans showing asset locations
- Assigned peripheral details
- Loaded software applications
By tracking and documenting your workstation assets, you can:
- Stay in control of what equipment you have
- Understand where all equipment is located and who uses it
- Save money by:
- Reducing the need to purchase extra hardware
- Reducing costs by completing PAT testing only for equipment you have
If you would like to discuss your requirements to see how END2END can further assist you, please contact us.