Workstation Audit

Workstation Audits

Over time as work teams grow, so does the need for the technology and workspace that they use.  It almost happens overnight, and suddenly you realise you have PC’s, laptops, phones, desks and chairs across departments and you don’t have any way of tracking who they are assigned to, or if anyone is using them.

Many organisations find themselves paying for leases, licences or maintenance contracts on workstation equipment and software that is either no longer used, or was disposed of some time ago.

IT Rack Audit

IT Rack Audit

It’s a fact that IT estates continually grow and change, whether that’s through server virtualisation, technology refresh or development and implementation of new applications to the business.  Whatever the reason, IT Managers have to be constantly aware of the need to accommodate this change.

Understanding which rack contains what application server, storage array or switch, along with its associated power rating, consumption and heat output becomes part of a data centre landscape that needs to be controlled.

IT Rack Audit

IT Rack Audit

It’s a fact that IT estates continually grow and change, whether that’s through server virtualisation, technology refresh or development and implementation of new applications to the business.  Whatever the reason, IT Managers have to be constantly aware of the need to accommodate this change.

Understanding which rack contains what application server, storage array or switch, along with its associated power rating, consumption and heat output becomes part of a data centre landscape that needs to be controlled.

Workstation Audit

Workstation Audits

Over time as work teams grow, so does the need for the technology and workspace that they use.  It almost happens overnight, and suddenly you realise you have PC’s, laptops, phones, desks and chairs across departments and you don’t have any way of tracking who they are assigned to, or if anyone is using them.

Many organisations find themselves paying for leases, licences or maintenance contracts on workstation equipment and software that is either no longer used, or was disposed of some time ago.

Installation Planning

Installation Planning

The installation of new IT equipment within the data centre is a frequent occurrence.  Whether it’s due to new applications, growth or technology refreshes, the same detailed installation planning processes are required.

Site Selection Survey


Whether you’re looking for a brand new site or assessing possible areas within your existing building, the selection and evaluation of the location for your new Technology Room is not a simple matter.  There are many things to be considered from the straightforward physical constraints to a myriad of external influences that may not be quite so obvious. 

IT Rack Cleaning

IT Rack Cleaning

Data centre professionals have always been aware that contamination in a computer room is bad news for their IT equipment.  Regular data centre cleans by specialist technicians will of course ensure the environments’ contamination levels are lowered; but these cleans do not deal with the internal racks themselves and the equipment within them.

Structural Survey


In order to help businesses save cost on valuable real estate, IT equipment manufacturers are continually building smaller more powerful servers and storage arrays.  These effectively allow more and more IT processing power to be installed within small footprints there by reducing the amount of floor space required to house them. The downside to this trend, is that it dramatically increases the potential overall weight of an individual rack of IT equipment.  This can have serious implications on the structure of the building.